Today is our last day of class. Thank you for submitting your assignments. I have corrected most of your you your final grade in the class. Thank you for hanging in there during these difficult times and doing your best to complete the work. I am proud of all of you.
Fall Schedules should be posted shortly, so be on the outlook for the Marketing classes. Email me with any enrollment problems or concerns you may have in getting into any of the classes you need to complete your marketing certificate. [email protected].
Enjoy your summer. Keep in touch (415)452-5916. I am here to help. If you are ever in Marin, come trail run with me... that is where I will be spending my summer, on the trails of Mount Tam.
All my respect and gratitide to all of you. Stay healthy.
Marilyn Goodman
Week of May 4, 6 & 11
Dear MABS 60 Students:
I can not believe that this week + 1 day next week is our last day of class. I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for doing your best to complete the assignments given during this time. I had never taught online before and you all know I love being in the class and infront of students, which is why I was caught a bit off guard when I suddenly had to switch to an online environment. Truth be told, I did not even know what Zoom was or how to use it. I am praying that in the Fall, classes will resume and we can all be together, but if you do take more classes from me, and we are online, I will have all lectures and classes live online using a Zoom platform as video and audio to interact with all of you. I miss your smiling faces.
Bravo! to all for learning Microsoft Office Suite Excel and PowerPoint on your own. I am proud of each and every one of you.
Our last Microsoft Office software program is ACCESS. It has come to my attention that many of you may not have Access on your compter. I beleive that when students download the free Microsoft Office Suite, offered at, Access is not included. So, if that is the case, just send me an email saying (NO ACCESS ON MY COMPUTER), and I will wave this assignment for you.
For those of you who do have Access on your computer, and want to give it a try (warning, it is a bit complicated, unlike any of the other software programs), go for it. That way, you can put on your resume: Proficient in all Microsoft Office Suite including, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.
Have a wonderful summer. Please come see me, or take more Marketing classes in the Fall. Phone me, write me anytime with any questions you may have about life, career, colleges, grad school etc. I wish I could have had the opportunity to get to know you all better. You truly are a great group of students. Go take life by the horns, and crush it in whatever you set out to do.
With gratitude,
Professor Marilyn Goodman __________________________________________________________________________
Lecture Access Chapter 1A In Class Lecture Chapter 1A
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1C Project 1C College Administrators Page 598
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1E Project 1E Kiosk Inventory Page 606
Week of April 27 & 29
MABS 60 Students:
Let's finish PowerPoint Chapter 2 with completing Chapter 2B and the related assignments and Chapter 3A (only). You can do 3B on your own if you'd like, but only assignments below will be due by the next Monday.
Next week, May 4, 6 and 11 we will finish our course with Access 1A. (so you can put on your resume: Proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access Remember, our last day is May 11.
Stay safe,
Marilyn Goodman
Lecture PowerPoint Chapter 2B In Class Lecture PowerPoint 2B
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 2D Project 2D Corporate Events Page 896
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 2F Project 2F Attractions Page 900
Lecture PowerPoint 3A In Class Lecture PowerPoint 3A
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 3C Project 3C Park Page 955
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 3E Project 3E Gardens Page 961
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 3G Project 3G Travel Page 965
Week of April 20 & 22
Hellow MABS 60 Students, I am hoping you all are staying healthy and still social distancing. It is so important to force yourself to stay at home. If you must have people over, remember to keep a 6-feet distance. It is the only way to remain safe.
Let's continue our PowerPoint Lectures and move to Chapter 2. All files are in your lecture and student data files folder. Send your completed assignments to [email protected] on Monday April 27th.
Stay safe,
Marilyn _______________________________________________________ Lecture PowerPoint Chapter 2A In Class Lecture PowerPoint Chapter 2A
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 2C Project 2C Concerts Page 893
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 2E Project 2E Coasters Page 898
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 2G Project 2G Orientation Page 902
Week of April 13 & 15
As these weeks drag on, and this Covid becomes more and more frightening, I find myself really missing face-to-face instruction and have certainly come to the conclusion that online teaching is not for me!! I miss all of you too much to conduct classes with no student interaction. With that said, I do believe this will be our reality until the end of the semester, so we much carry on. My only hope is that I get to see some (hopefully all) of you in the Fall taking more Marketing Classes or coming by to visit me in my classes.
This week we will complete POWERPOINT Chapter 1 and continue on with LECTURE 1B and the associated homework and exam projects associated with the unit. All Chapter 1: Powerpoint assignments will be due on Monday, April 20.
Lecture PowerPoint 1B In Class Lecture 1B
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1D Project 1D Photography Page 834
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1F Project 1F Refuge Page 839
Thank you students for submitting Excel Chapter 2 and Excel Chapter 3 lectures and assignments.
This week we will begin PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a presentation software and usually accompanies a person when making a speech, presentation or holding a meeting that includes slides and talking points. I find this Microsoft Office program to be the simplest to understand and execute. Please complete the following assignments for PowerPoint Chapter 1.
Lecture PowerPoint 1A Lecture 1A
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1C Project 1C Glaciers Page 831
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1E Project 1E Juneau Page 837
Study the text and perform the steps for Project 1G Project 1G Northern Lights Page 841
Stay safe,
Marilyn Goodman
March 30, April 1 - SPRING BREAK
Dear Students: On our last day of class, we decided to keep our Spring Break as originally scheduled. There will be no assignments or lectures for this week. Enjoy (as best you can) and please continue to practice social distancing and remain safe.
Marilyn Goodman
Weekly Assignment: March 23, 25
Dear Students:
I feel like assignments are coming on fast and furious. For those who already submitted Chapter 2 and 3 -- Great. You can take the week off and focus on your other classes. For those who have not yet completed Chapter 2 and Chapter 3A, take the week to finish all of these assignments and email back to me by March 25 at [email protected].
After Spring Break ... we will begin PowerPoint on April 6.
Marilyn Goodman
Weekly assignment: March 16, 18
Dear Class, lets continue with Excel lessons and attempt to do Chapter 3. We will only be doing Lecture 3A (on your flash drive and exam files are attached below). When you have completed Lecture Chapter 3A, then go to your book and attempt the following assignments and Exams. There are TWO exams for Chapter 3. These assignments and exams will be due next Monday, March 23rd. Email files to me at [email protected]. Remember, everything in on your flash drive, but call me if you need assistance. 415.452.5916.
I miss you already and hope you are healthy and safe.
Below is the weekly assignment for our MABS 60 Class. Remember, we will only be doing EXCEL Chapter 2B. (not 2A) I have set up an email for you to send your completed files: [email protected]. Please do not send anything to my City College address.
You have all of the files you need on your flash drive. Lectures are in the Lecture folder, Exams in the Exam folder and Student Data Files are in the Student Data folder.
All assignments for for Excel Chapter 2: are due March 23rd - email all files with Name & EXCEL Chapter 2 in subject line to: [email protected]
Lecture Excel 2B
Project 2D
Project 2F
Exam Excel Chapter 2
As always, email me with any questions: [email protected] or call me 415.452.5916. I am hoping to see you all soon.
p.s. don't stress over the assignments -- especiallly my PC students. Do your best.