INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Marilyn Goodman OFFICE LOCATION/HOURS: By appointment EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] TEXTBOOK: Required MKTG 11 -- Author: LAMB, Edition 11TH This course provides an introduction to marketing. Prerequisites: none. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:
Define the term “marketing” and describe several reasons for studying marketing.
Describe four marketing management philosophies and how they strongly influence the role of marketing and marketing activities within an organization.
Review the four components of corporate social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic and how they are intertwined
Discuss how the social factors within and external environment affects an organizations marketing
Explain the importance to marketing managers of the current demographic trends and multiculturalism and growing ethnic markets.
Explain the importance of understanding consumer behavior and analyze the components of the consumer decision-making process and post-purchase evaluation process.
Identify and understand cultural, social, individual and psychological buying factors that affect consumer-buying decisions.
Explain the importance of market segmentation and the criteria necessary for successful market segmentation and list the steps involved in segmenting markets and discuss alternative strategies for selecting target markets.
Define marketing research and explain its importance to marketing decision- making while emphasizing the profound impact the Internet has had on this discipline.
Define and classify consumer products and the importance of services to the economy while understanding marketing uses of branding, packaging and labeling.
Describe the channel structures for consumer and business products and discuss alternative channel arrangements.
Describe the communication process while focusing on the elements of the promotional mix and their role in the marketing mix.
Identify major types of advertising and the creative decisions in developing advertising campaigns.
Discuss the importance of pricing objectives and decisions to the economy and individual organization.
Methods of Learning A variety of techniques will be used to enhance your learning for this course. These include lecture, discussion, debates, exams, video cases, in-class group activities, out-of-class group and individual assignments, and Internet research. You are expected to come to every session having completed your reading and/or other assignments.
Course Evaluation You will have several opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the principles taught in this course. Though much of the learning is actually achieved in-class, you are expected to complete certain assignments before class and to turn in outside assignments on time.
Exams (4) – 50 points each 200 points Marketing Plan Project 100 points Homework Assignments (10 assignments) 100 points* Total 400 points
A = 360-400 B = 320-359 C = 280-319 D = 240-279 F = 239 or below
All homework assignments will be must be typed and submitted prior to class starting on Wednesday.
There will be no make-up exams or homework given.
Plagiarism of any kind is against CCSF policies and guidelines and will result in an automatic F for the course.
Cell phones are not permitted to be out in the classroom. Please turn off all cell phones prior to entering class.
There is absolutely NO TEXTING allowed.
Class begins on time. Do not be late (please)
More than four missed for day classes will result in an automatic drop.
More than two missed evening classes will result in an automatic drop.
All of the components of the class must be completed within the semester and the final exam taken at the scheduled time. No incompletes will be given unless proven medical/family emergency. If you determine that you are unable to attend class and complete the in-class work as well as the assignments, then it is your responsibility to drop the class.
* Monday Evening Marketing classes will have no homework assigned. Instead, the marketing plan will be worth 200 points.