Our ideal customer is a woman, age 30-60, who has the taste for a little sparkle in her wardrobe. She prides herself on her accessories, especially when they are noticed by others. She has no issue wearing a show-piece that starts a conversation. Ideally, she becomes a cheerleader for our designs that promotes sales by word-of-mouth. These women shop in artist studios and boutique shops, looking for that 'special little something' for themselves or as a gift for a woman close to them. They want something different from what everyone else has, and wouldn't dare shop at a cheap accessory shop in the mall. They love 'art' and sharing an emotional connection with the artist. The target does not buy her jewelry at major department stores, rather she seeks out unique, one of a kind pieces that show her uniqueness, individuality, and sense of self.
Goodman Pet Photography
The ideal customer for Goodman Pet Photography is 30-60 years old, male or female who owns a pet. More specifically, who owns a pet and treats them like family. The target has an income of $50,00+/year and is a working professional. The ideal client lives in the Bay Area and spends a significant amount of money on their pet yearly. The pet is an extension to their family and one that they adore. These people want professional photographs of their pets. However, studio portraits for their pets do not allow for a picture that really captures the expressions of their dog, cat, horse or other animal. Our target needs a local professional photography that can go to a location of their choice and photograph their pet in the setting that best gives the pictures the expressions of the animal.
Frog's Organic Bakery
The ideal customer for Orti's Organic Bakery is willing to take a little extra time and spend a little extra money to eat healthy, naturally-grown food in the morning. He or she knows the difference between store-bought or street vendor baked goods, which make no promises about organic quality, and those that do. The customer knows that organic food tastes as good as, or better, than conventionally grown good, and believes that there does not need to be any difference between eating what is good for the environment and eating what is healthy. This ideal customer would look for organic labels in grocery stores and be more inclined to buy from socially conscious brands elsewhere.
Orti's Organic Bakery will serve customers in Noe Valley area who share the following characteristics:
Commute through the city on a daily basis
Live or work within a five minute walk from Noe Valley
Believe in nutritional value of organic baked goods
Believe in paying a premium for high quality products
22 to 40 years old
Professional jobs
Earn $40,000 per year and up
Jack's Sheet Music
The customers who will buy our products enjoy playing music. They know they are ready to learn new music, but they don't want to do it all alone and they also don't want to pay a teacher to walk them through it. They are familiar buying online and using online tutorials for educational purposes. They know they have gaps in their repertoire and want help filling those gaps with online instructions. Our ideal customer is between the ages of 22 – 45. They have an income under $50,000 and are mostly male. Their educational level is at least some college for those over the age of 20. Our target has an artistic spirit, and music is a big part of their lives. Although they know they will never be professional players, they are constantly searching for different ways to further enhance their music playing ability.
Stanton Insurance
The ideal customer for Goodman Insurance is just about to move to San Francisco. It is a young couple expecting a new child. They have left a rental apartment in another town and need more space for their family as well as the security which home ownership provides. They may have had insurance in the past, but have not spent much time researching it, instead opting to use a large national provider, perhaps even ordering it over the phone for their renter's insurance needs.
Suddenly, they have multiple needs for insurance in a new city - life insurance, homeowner's insurance and other property insurance. They are aware of their basic insurance needs, although they do not know all of the ins and outs of insurance types and options available. As they would like to settle into the town and make it their home, they want to feel more of a personal connection with their insurance agent and put a face to this service. However, they are a bit afraid of making a bad choice, being that they don't know the town and perhaps have no contacts in the town. They want the assurance of someone with a track record of client satisfaction and transparency about how he is compensated so that they can rule out any biases or conflicts of interest.