Section 10 : In this section, you will develop your integrated advertising campaign. In class you were shown numerous integrated advertising campaigns (Decode-Jay-Z with Bing, Cannon EOS, Sherman Williams Paint, Old Spice, Element Skateboard, etc.) Write out the concept of your campaign, including the media elements you will use of how your campaign will be executed. Make sure your campaign includes T. The more detail, the better. What is the “big idea” for your product? If you need some inspiration, go to and look at the past Clio winners, and the work that was done.
You will be developing advertising for both Television and social media (assume your rich uncle from Texas gave you $10 million to start your business so advertising dollars are not a concern.)
2. Media to consider in your IMC Plan What media will you be using in your IMC plan, explain...
Mass Media TV, radio, print, bill boards, bus shelters, etc.
Internet Does your IMC plan have an internet component? Can consumers buy your product/service online? What is the function of the Web site and how it will be integrated into the IMC Campaign? If the Web site will be used for direct purchases by either consumers or businesses, then you must think about the shopping cart and e-commerce incentives that will be used to attract buyers. Discuss how the Internet Web site will interface with the IMC Campaign objectives.
Generating Positive Publicity Who are the stakeholders that you may need to address in a public relations campaign? Discuss the types of messages you will want to convey to the various stakeholder groups. Review the book and lecture notes regarding cause related marketing, green marketing and pro-environment activities. Is there an opportunity to integrate any of these in your plan?
Event and Sponsorship Marketing Event and sponsorship marketing has increasingly become more popular. You should consider how events and sponsorships create synergies between the event or group being sponsored, the consumers who attend, the company, and the products themselves. You should also mention how the event or sponsorship fits into the overall IMC approach. Events and sponsorships to be considered are as follows: sports, entertainment, causes, festivals, fairs, music events.
Consumer Promotions Do you plan on using any consumer promotions in your campaign? Consumer promotions should be considered for both the consumer market and the business market (if need be). Choose consumer promotions that fit with advertisements and other elements of the IMC campaign you have already designed. Promotions to consider: coupons, premiums, contests, sweepstakes, refunds, sampling, price-off.
Alternative Media Do you plan to use alternative media to reach your target? What new and innovative formats can you think of to break the clutter? Some considerations might be: Buzz marketing, guerilla marketing, product placement, branded entertainment, lifestyle marketing, in-store marketing, video game marketing, brand communities.