Section 7: Developing a TV or Social Media Commercial (i.e. YouTube)
Using the advertising appeal, message strategy and exceptional framework defined in Section 6, develop a detailed television or online campaign that advertises your product or service. Use the story board template (or make up your own) to describe your ad. Answer the following...
1. What is the Objective of your campaign? · Increase brand awareness · Build brand image · Increase customer traffic · Increase retailer or wholesaler orders · Increase inquiries from end-users and channel members · Provide information
2. The Target Audience Who is the target audience that the campaign is directed toward. Define that target outlined in section 4.
3. Complete the Story Boards (below) Using the story boards provided, develop a campaign that executes on the above. Get creative, pull out the colored pencils and write script. The more detail, the better.
4. Make sure the TV or Social Media spot integrates the Values outlined in your Means-End Analysis, as well as the advertising appeal and advertising message outlined in Section 6.