In this section, you will describe your target market, product positioning and you campaign objectives. A careful and through description of your target aids in directing your communication plan. By understanding exactly who you are speaking to, you can better deliver marketing communications with the right tone, manner in the appropriate media.
1. Target Market – Describe you target market, in detail, using the segmentation approaches discussed in class.
a. What market segmentation approaches have your selected to develop an Advertising campaign around: (note: you do not have to use all of these approaches, select the approaches that make the most sense.) • Demographics • Psychographics • Generations • Geographic • Geodemographics • Benefits • Usage
* see the tab labled Target Market for further detail and sample target descriptions
b. Describe your target market in detail (see Target market (Tab) for examples. After reading your target description, I should have a clear understanding and picture of who your product/service is being marketed to. The more detail the better.
c. Using old magazines, internet photos, drawings, etc. Make a collage of your target market. Make sure the images in your 81/2 x 11 page collage matches your target market description.
2. Positioning – Positioning is the perception created in the consumer’s mind regarding the nature of the company and its products relative to the competition.
a. Describe what your product/service positioning will be. What do you want to stand for in the mind of your consumer? Choose from the following and explain why are how? · Product Attributes · Competitors · Use or application · Price/quality · Product user · Product class · Cultural symbol
3. Marketing Communications - Most IMC campaigns will emphasize one communication objective, but may accomplish other objectives in the process. There are some logical combinations, such as developing brand awareness and building customer traffic. Increase market share would fit with increase sales and encourage repeat purchase actions. The key is to match the objective to the medium and the message.
a. What are the main two communication objectives for your IMC campaign. Explain why you choose those objectives.