Thank you for submitting your final research paper and exam 4. I will be reading papers and correcting exams this coming week and emailing you your final grade in the class. Thank you for hanging in there during these difficult times and doing your best to complete the work. I am proud of all of you.
Fall Schedules should be posted shortly, so be on the outlook for the Marketing classes. Email me with any enrollment problems or concerns you may have in getting into any of the classes you need to complete your marketing certificate. [email protected].
Enjoy your summer. Keep in touch (415)452-5916. I am here to help. If you are ever in Marin, come trail run with me... that is where I will be spending my summer, on the trails of Mount Tam.
All my respect and gratitide to all of you. Stay healthy.
Marilyn Goodman
May 5 & 7 (last week of class)
Dear Consumer Behavior Students.
I can not believe that this week is our last week of class. I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for doing your best to complete the assignments given during this time. I had never taught online before and you all know I love being in class and infront of, and interacting with students. I was caught a bit off guard when I suddenly had to switch to an online environment. Truth be told, I was not prepared to switch so drastically to an online environment, and was not as prepared as much as I would have like to have been. I did not even know what Zoom was or how to use it. I did not have my lectures online or prerecorded like many of the other instructors. I am hoping that in the Fall, classes will resume and we can all be together, but if you do take more classes from me, and we are online, I will have all lectures and classes live online using a Zoom platform as video and audio to interact with all of you. I will take this summer to figure out how to deliver the best classroom, no classroom experience online. I miss your smiling faces.
Bravo! to all for learning consumer behavior on your own, these past months. I am proud of each and every one of you, and although it was not an optimal learning experience, I hope the text, lecture notes and assignments gave you some insight to consumer behavior and how understanding your customer, and how they think, feel, behave and interpret information is key to a successful business, marketing campaign, and selling strategy.
You have one exam left, (below), Exam 4: chapter 12, 13, 14 which will be due on May 7. This will be our last day of class. Research Paper 3: Consumption & Culture will also be due on May 7, Since we are not meeting in person, you will not be required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. Just write you answers in a Word document and send to me.
Have a wonderful summer. Please come see me, or take more Marketing classes in the Fall. Phone me, write me anytime with any questions you may have about life, career, colleges, grad school etc. I wish I could have had a chance to get to know you all better. You truly are a great group of students. Go take life by the horns, and crush it in whatever you set out to do.
I can't believe we only have two weeks left of school. I wish you all could have experienced this class face-to-face, but hope you got something out of it, and learned a bit along the way.
Thanks you all for submitting your exams this week. I will be correcting them this week and getting your grades back to you.
This week: Read Chapter 14: Age Subcultures and review the lecture notes. Next week: I will post your final Exam 4: 12, 13, 14 (due on May 7) Research Paper 3: Consumption & Culture will also be due on May 7, so budget your time accordingly.
Marilyn Goodman
Week of April 21 & 23
Dear Consumer Behavior Students,
Gosh I miss you all. Hang in there, hopefully this will all be better and we can resume face-to-face instruction in the Fall.
Don't Forget Exam 3 is due on Tuesday, April 21. (below)
Read: Chapter 13: Subcultures in the textbook and lecture notes. This is an interesting unit about the impact of the subcultures we belong on our purchasing habits and patterns. Pay attention to the links to some really good Ted Talks, and videos.
Stay Healthy,
Marilyn Goodman
April 14 & 16
Dear Students: Hope you all are healthy and continue to practice social distancing. California is being held up as an examplary example of a community/state that understands the importance of staying at home, so BRAVO to you who continue to do so. I really miss you all very much and look forward to seeing you again soon.
This week:
Read Chapter 12: Social Class and Lifestyles
Complete Exam 3: Chapter 9, 10, 11 due April 21 at 11:00 AM. Use the Answer sheet below to fill in your answers and return to [email protected]
Marilyn Goodman
April 7, 9
Dear Students,
I miss you all very much and hope you are safe and truly practicing social distancing. It is so important to stay at home to avoid getting sick.
We have an easy week this week:
Read Chapter 11: Groups and Social Media from the textbook and read the lecture notes.
Call or email me with any questions.
Marilyn Goodman
March 30, April 1 - SPRING BREAK
Dear Students: On our last day of class, we decided to keep our Spring Break as originally scheduled. There will be no assignments or lectures for this week. Enjoy (as best you can) and please continue to practice social distancing and remain safe.
Marilyn Goodman
March 26th
Thank you to those students who submitted their EXAM 2 answersheets. I have finished correcting your exams (manually, one by one). Below is the answer sheet for exam 2. I will leave it up until the end of the day so you can check your answers and understand the questions you might have missed.
Dear Consumer Behavior Students: Hoping everyone is staying healthy and please, please practice social distancing. Here is what is going on for the week of March 24.
Students below are the Exam Chapter 2: 4, 5, 6, 8 files you will need to complete our second exam.
Exams are due to me on Tuesday, March 24th by 12:30 pm to [email protected].
Please make sure to use the EXCEL file below to submit your answers.
You have plenty of time to complete this exam. Please submit on time. I will NOT be accepting late exams. I understand that we are all under a tremendous amount of stress, so please do your best.
Professor Goodman
March 18, 2020
Thank you to all students who got their Self-Concept papers in on time. I have just completed reading all of your wonderfully and truthfully written assignments and have written back to each of you with comments and your grade. Remember, you are all great students with much to offer. Be kind to yourself and keep on your path.
Stay healthy,
Professor Goodman
p.s. for those of who have not yet sumbitted your assignment, please do so and I will give you 1/2 credit.
March 17, 2020
Good afternoon Class:
Don't forget to email me your Self-Concept papers today by 12:30 pm to [email protected]. Remember to include your name and Assignment #2: Self-Concept in the Subject line.
Stay healthy,
Marilyn Goodman
Greetings Consumer Behavior Students
I hope everyone is staying healthy and not stressing out too much about all that is going on around us. CCSF has asked that instructors post on Canvas in addition to their own websites. If you get a Canvas Notification, rest assured, it is the same information as you are fining on my website.
Here is what we have planned for the week of March 17 & 19
Read chapter 9: Buying & Disposing and go online to and download my lecture notes under the Consumer Behavior tab, Lectures. On March 19th, I will post EXAM 2: 4, 5, 6, 8. Answers will be due in my inbox at [email protected] on March 24th by 12:30 pm.
Don't forget when emailing me your answers to put your Name & MRKT150 Exam 2 in the subject box.
I have prepared an excel answer sheet for you to download and put your answers in. Please do not put your answers as part of the email, but rather as an attachment.
As always, I am here to help. Email me at [email protected] with any questions, or call me at 415.452.5916.